Comments on: Do you use a nursing cover? Breastfeeding and Parenting Sat, 13 Jan 2018 15:38:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: THW Tue, 13 Apr 2010 22:54:07 +0000 I bought a nursing cover 5 days after my son was born. I used it twice. The first time it worked just fine as I fed my son while out to dinner. The second time was so frustrating for both of us that I ended up moving the cover to the side so he could latch on successfully. I then used the cover to shield most of my breast but not to cover his head. I wasn’t comfortable breastfeeding in public because my chest is extremely large. I’ve since gotten over that concern because the nursing cover gets in the way of my son feeding. We both get frustrated and sweaty and I think I draw more attention to myself. So, now I don’t care and I whip it out without a cover!

By: Tania Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:58:57 +0000 No, I’ve never used one. The idea definitely doesn’t appeal to me.
Of course this might be because I live in a country where even though many mothers quit breastfeeding between one and three months postpartum due to the lack of information and support, breastfeeding in public is not frowned at. People are a bit curious, a bit shy, overall supportive, so it’s quite easy to nurse in public (not to flash the mob, though, just to nurse the ‘normal’ discreet way). We can see breast and not faint.

My sister visited us with her nursing toddler, bringing along a nursing cover, obviously quite popular in the USA. It seemed so funny to imagine someone would cover her baby’s head to nurse… I told her people would stare much more at her if she used the cover.
People here (Bulgaria, Eastern Europe) are not used to this kind of puritanism. Thank goodness for that 🙂

LLL leader in springy Bulgaria
