Comments on: You Asked. They Answered. TIME’s AP moms take your questions. (Full Article) Breastfeeding and Parenting Sun, 04 Feb 2018 13:21:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlotte Dan Sun, 17 Jun 2012 18:27:00 +0000 Thank you for the great article! I found the pictures in the recent Time article (inside and on the cover) to be inspiring. They chose a provocative cover and positively this has generated a discussion about breasts being used for what they were designed for!

By: Theresa K. Fri, 25 May 2012 12:47:00 +0000 Really nice article! I’m feeling less guilty about tossing the issue in the recycling bin. I just didn’t want to revisit the matter and was disgusted at Time’s tactics. I learned about Dr. Sears in college in the early 1980’s at a state teacher’s college. A main professor was a proponent of Attachment Parenting and passed his family’s style along to us unsuspecting college students. It took with me. When I became a mom nearly ten years later, I had already taken Dr. Sears’ teachings to heart. This quote could have been written by me in 1994. My only sadness is that this argument has gone nowhere since the 70’s. My joy is in knowing that this style of parenting will go on forever.

“..expecting criticism, but proud to represent something that my husband and I truly believe in. For almost 7 years we have chosen to parent in a way that is different from our families’ and friends’ choices so we are used to the criticism.”
