If your breasts feel full and uncomfortable when you don't nurse at a specific time, then express just enough milk to relieve the fullness....
The post Breast comfort for mom during weaning first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Breast comfort for mom during weaning appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>Mother-led weaning can be a hard transition for your child, depending upon how close this is to his own natural timetable for weaning.
If you're actively weaning, offer lots of cuddling, lots of one-on-one time, lots of kisses and hugs. Many moms who are weaning are often afraid to do this for fear that it might encourage their child to nurse again.
The post Frequently Asked Questions about Weaning first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Frequently Asked Questions about Weaning appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>The post Lactation suppression first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Lactation suppression appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>Remember that sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone (like walking or toilet training) that different babies will reach at different times. At some point, your child will sleep through the night - even if you do nothing to encourage it.
The post Night Weaning first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Night Weaning appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>The post Nipple shields first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Nipple shields appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>The post Partial Weaning & Combination Feeding first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Partial Weaning & Combination Feeding appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>The post Plugged Ducts and Mastitis first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Plugged Ducts and Mastitis appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>The post Sadness and depression during (and after) weaning first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Sadness and depression during (and after) weaning appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>To use dried sage (Salvia officinalis) for reducing milk supply, take 1/4 teaspoon of sage 3x per day for 1-3 days. You can mix the sage in vegetable juice (for example, V-8), but it won't mix well into other juices. You can also mix it into other foods. If you don't like the taste of sage, try putting it into a tiny piece of sandwich and swallowing it whole - peanut butter or something else a bit sticky seems to work best for holding the sage in place. Tear off the corner of the sandwich containing the sage (it should be a very small section) and swallow it without chewing (that's why you need a very small section).
The post Too much milk: Sage and other herbs for decreasing milk supply first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Too much milk: Sage and other herbs for decreasing milk supply appeared first on KellyMom.com.
]]>There are a few ways you can approach weaning from the pump:
1. Drop one pumping session at a time.
Try dropping one pumping session every 3-7 days.
The post Weaning from the pump first appeared on KellyMom.com.
The post Weaning from the pump appeared first on KellyMom.com.