Supply Basics - Breastfeeding and Parenting Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:38:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Supply Basics - 32 32 Establishing and maintaining milk supply when baby is not breastfeeding Sun, 28 Aug 2011 20:17:11 +0000 It is important to express your milk to establish and maintain milk supply if your baby is not nursing at all or not nursing well. By expressing, you will also have your milk available to feed baby - every bit of moms' milk that baby gets (even the tiniest amount) is like liquid gold.

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Foremilk and hindmilk – what does this mean? Mon, 29 Aug 2011 20:08:13 +0000 The breast only makes one type of milk (which has a relatively high fat content). Because of the mechanics of milk release, the amount of fat in the milk available to baby gradually changes as a feed progresses. As milk is produced in the breast, the fat globules in the milk tend to stick to each other and to the walls of the alveoli (where the milk is made). Between feedings, milk collects in the breasts and gradually moves out toward the nipple, leaving more and more of the fat "stuck" further back in the milk ducts. The more time between milk removal (feeding or expression), the lower the fat content of the milk available to baby at the beginning of the feeding.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Milk Production Fri, 30 Dec 2016 21:20:17 +0000 How does milk production change over the course of lactation?

For the first few days, up to and including the point at which mom's milk "comes in," milk production does not depend upon milk being removed from the breast. After those first few days, it is necessary for milk to be regularly removed from the breast (via baby or pump) to continue milk production. The breasts will begin to shut down milk production within several days if milk is not regularly and effectively removed.

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How does milk production work? Wed, 31 Aug 2011 20:26:20 +0000 To understand how to effectively increase (or decrease) milk supply, we need to look at how milk production works...
For the most part, milk production is a "use it or lose it" process.
The more often and effectively your baby nurses, the more milk you will make.

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Importance of Responsive Feeding Mon, 17 Jul 2023 13:39:13 +0000 The importance of responsive feeding in establishing a good breastmilk supply by Dr. Amy Brown Responsive parenting e.g. responding promptly and appropriately to a baby’s needs is widely recognised as an important protective element for infant health, wellbeing and development1. When babies feel secure in the care of a primary caregiver, they go on to […]

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Weaning from formula supplements Fri, 26 Aug 2011 18:03:54 +0000 Put baby to breast often

Aim for 10 breastfeeding sessons per day. If baby is not breastfeeding well, work with your lactation consultant.
Method for weaning from supplements...

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