BF FAQ: Tandem - Breastfeeding and Parenting Tue, 21 Nov 2023 14:55:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BF FAQ: Tandem - 32 32 Breastfeeding during labor Thu, 04 Aug 2011 16:19:32 +0000 Nursing naturally increases oxytocin levels, and so can speed labor once it starts. Nipple stimulation is often suggested as a natural alternative to pitocin, and so this is just another option for a mom who is nursing. Nursing will also speed delivery of the placenta.

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Does my newborn always need to breastfeed first? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 15:46:33 +0000 Although you may be advised to make sure the newborn always nurses first, this advice usually only holds for the first few days until your milk “comes in.” Prior to this point your breasts are making colostrum for the newborn (and it will transition into “mature milk” in the early weeks).

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How can I answer critics of tandem breastfeeding? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 16:05:45 +0000 The first thing to bear in mind is that your breastfeeding relationship is a private one between yourself and your child. Although everyone is entitled to their opinion, you need not feel that you must defend or explain your choices.

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How does tandem breastfeeding affect sibling rivalry? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 15:50:21 +0000 Many tandem nursing mothers say that “reduced sibling rivalry” is one of the biggest advantages of tandem nursing. Some nurslings hold hands while they nurse and prefer to nurse together. But it is important to bear in mind that some emotional upheaval is natural when a toddler is getting used to a new baby in the house.

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How will breastfeeding affect my morning sickness? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 16:21:29 +0000 There is a plus and a minus to report. First it must be said that for some moms, breastfeeding sessions can trigger a sensation of nausea over and above regular morning sickness. Let-down in particular can bring on a feeling of nausea. On the plus side, many moms seem to suffer less morning sickness over all when they are breastfeeding. Indeed, some moms say that when they weaned the morning sickness hit the roof. (Does breastfeeding really reduce morning sickness? Sure seems that way, but only a study can tell us for sure.)

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How will my milk change when I am breastfeeding through pregnancy? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 16:17:08 +0000 Most mothers who are nursing through pregnancy notice a decrease in milk supply by mid-pregnancy, but sometimes as early as the first month. During pregnancy, the mature milk is also making a gradual change to the colostrum which is present at birth. Supply may increase toward the end of pregnancy as colostrum production kicks in.

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Is it safe to breastfeed during pregnancy? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 15:34:25 +0000 Yes, in most cases. At this time no medical study has been done on the safety of breastfeeding during pregnancy so it is impossible to list any definitive contraindications. If you are having a complicated pregnancy, such as lost weight, bleeding, or signs of preterm labor, you should problem-solve your individual situation with your caregiver.

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Is it safe to use a breastpump during pregnancy? Thu, 04 Aug 2011 15:43:08 +0000 It is often stated that a woman should not use a breastpump when pregnant. However, there is considerable reason to believe that pumping, like breastfeeding, will not trigger preterm labor in a healthy pregnancy.

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Nipple soreness and engorgement after birth Thu, 04 Aug 2011 15:44:56 +0000 During pregnancy, nipple pain is generally caused by hormones. By contrast, if you notice nipple pain in the early days after your baby is born, you should assume there is a problem in need of a solution. Although nipple pain in the early days (usually peaking at 3-7 days postpartum) is common, it is not necessarily normal.

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Nutrition for mom while pregnant & breastfeeding or tandem breastfeeding Thu, 04 Aug 2011 15:40:33 +0000 If a mother is reasonably well-nourished her body can continue to meet her own needs and the needs of both her unborn child/infant and the older nursling. This is especially true if the older nursling is at least a year old when mom gets pregnant. In some cases, the health care provider may recommend that the mother consume more calories and/or take prenatal vitamins (but it’s unwise to take more than one a day).

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