Breastfeeding Mamas are Superheroes
By Sarah Wells, CEO & Founder Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags
The first year of motherhood is, without a doubt, the most consuming, especially when you’re nursing, pumping, and possibly working too. You’re doing ALL.THE.THINGS, all the time. You’re a chauffeur. A milk machine that’s open 24/7. A cleaning lady. A cook. A teacher. A kisser of boo-boos. A boss. An employee. A wife. Your mind never rests, and neither do you!
Plus, I know through connecting with my customers over the years, that pumping mamas can face additional challenges. You may have to weather the storms of clogged ducts, mastitis and engorgement. It may even feel at times as if the pump is sucking the life out of you, but you still charge ahead. You are resilient. You get it done.
You are part of a special sisterhood with other nursing and pumping mamas who are determined, just like you, to reach their breastfeeding goals and provide for their babies. Take pride in knowing that you are working very hard to overcome some tricky circumstances.
I know this because I have been in your shoes before. That sense of being overwhelmed is one of the reasons I started Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags. I thought, you know what? If pumping is going to take up so much of my time, I’m gonna own it. If a breast pump bag is going to be a non-negotiable everyday accessory for the next however-many-months, then it better look good–and it better be big enough for all the other stuff I have to carry around. Laptop, lunch, change of clothes, hands-free pumping bra … you name it.
Believe me when I say this: there is nothing I’m more passionate about than helping make this pumping experience easier for you, mama.
What I want to ask you today is: Do you know that you are an amazing mother? You are a breastfeeding superhero. You’ve got this, mama!
Sarah Wells
Sarah Wells is offering a special discount for KellyMom readers:
15% off all breast pump bags and accessories on using the code KELLYMOM15 at checkout through October 31, 2018 at 11:59pm ET.
Click here to shop Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags
About Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags:
After the birth of her daughter, Sarah had her entrepreneurial “light bulb moment” and launched Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags, based on a stylish and functional designer handbag that replaces the frustrating tradition of carrying a cheap vinyl breast pump bag or five separate bags for all a mama’s “stuff”. Since that time, Sarah’s business has grown by leaps and bounds, while she speaks with women from across the country about the blessing and challenges of motherhood. Sarah is a mom, an entrepreneur and a women’s health advocate. Prior to starting her business, she spent 15 years running national nonprofit organizations committed to achieving quality healthcare for Americans, with a personal passion to improve policies for girls and women.
Sarah Wells offers handbags that fit all portable (and some hospital grade) breast pumps on the market, in a wide variety of styles, colors and prices. She also designed the popular “Pumparoo” pouch for breast pump parts (wet/dry bag), and the “Cold Gold” breastmilk cooler bag.
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