- My baby is sick – should I continue to breastfeed?
- Thrush Resources
- Spitting up, relux and breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding when baby has surgery
- Breastfeeding a baby with jaundice
- Breastfeeding a baby with tongue-tie
- Breastfeeding and Sensory Processing (Resources)
- Hypoglycemia in newborns
- Down syndrome resources
@ other websites
Breastfeeding the High-Risk Newborn from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
Breastfeeding in infants suffering from chylothorax by Dr. José María Paricio Talayero, for APILAM
Bobby’s Dairy: Nursing a Baby with Chylothorax by Trish Whitehouse, from Leaven, Vol. 39 No. 2, April-May 2003, pp. 27-30.
Breastfeeding an infant with neurological problems from Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN
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Breastfeeding Success Among Infants With Congenital Heart Disease by Kimberly H. Barbas and Deanne K. Kelleher, from Pediatric Nursing, Volume 30, Number 4.
Coeliac disease and breastfeeding from the Australian Breastfeeding Association discusses celiac disease in the breastfeeding child
Breastfeeding My Type 1 Diabetic Daughter from the San Diego Breastfeeding Center
Breastfeeding a Baby with Type 1 Diabetes from Breastfeeding Support in Dublin
Breastfeeding Babies with Special Needs. La Leche League International FAQ.
Breastfeeding the Hypotonic Infant – Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Clinical Protocol #16. BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE. Volume 2, Number 2, 2007.
Does My Baby Have Oral Motor Hypotonia? Leah Jolly, BA, IBCLC, RLC
Genna CW. Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants. Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 2013.
Walker M. Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2013.