Manual/hand expression of milk
Hand expressing your breastmilk @ KellyMom
Choosing a breastpump
Do I need a breastpump? @KellyMom
What should I know about buying a new or used breastpump? @KellyMom
Pumping tips
Collecting Breastmilk by Anne Smith, IBCLC
To Pump More Milk, Use Hands-On Pumping by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
My Milk Supply is Great but I Just CAN’T PUMP! by Hygeia
Tips for speeding up let-down @ KellyMom
The ‘Magic Number’ and Long-Term Milk Production by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
Ouch! What If Pumping Hurts? by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA
14 Ways to Hack Your Pumping Routine by Ann Dempsey, from Breastfeeding USA
CDC Guidelines for Cleaning Pumps
Breastpump troubleshooting and repair
Troubleshooting for Breastpump Users from
Check your pump company website – they generally have great troubleshooting tips.
Tip: Have you ever melted pump or bottle parts when boiling them? (I have!)
Try this: When boiling items such as pump or bottle parts, put a couple of glass marbles into the pot and stay within earshot. If the water level gets low and the pot is about to boil dry, the marbles will start bouncing and clattering in the pan and alert you in time.