Image credit: Raphael Goetter on flickr
Here is some basic information on Haiku poetry: How to Write a Haiku Poem: Haiku Examples and Tips.
These poems were posted to the KellyMom Facebook wall.
Sweet, milky giggles
Baby’s trusting eyes look up
Forging bonds that last.
—Rachael Hamilton
Surrendering to
the moment of your hunger;
sweet child at my breast.
—Elizabeth Howard
Stack pillows on couch.
Settle in with hungry babe.
Bathroom urge strikes fast.
—Belinda Mendoza Franke
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Sweet baby rooting
Mama’s so very tired
Milk drunk smile melts me
—Shannon McGuire
The smell of your skin
Cuddling you into my chest
Let the Life Milk flow
—Melynda Petersen
Nursing my toddler
Judgemental looks from strangers
Lost in our milk dance
—Melynda Petersen
Latched on upside down
Legs thrown over my shoulder
My gymnurstics star 🙂
—Melynda Petersen
Eyebrows raise, lids droop
Hours are long; years are short
Mommy’s milk is life
—Leanne Carnell Carter
First I felt tied down
but her rope became lasso
and captured my heart
—Stephanie Madson
She stops to look at her “food”,
plays with it for a moment, and latches on with a good mood.
How sweet and beautiful is to nourish her with my breasts,
I knew from the beginning I’d be giving her nothing but the BEST!
—Christina Moreno
Little eyes so big.
Soothing, calming all is good.
Boobahs are my world.
—Jessica Mannikko Kirby
My arm has fallen
asleep from the weight of my
ten pound new born boy.
—Melissa Kirk
Slumbering child, stir
Find Ma’s nipple, milk galore
Sigh, to sleep once more
—Marissa Dixon Aste
You entered the world;
Hungry for warmth of mother;
My milk sustains you
—Jennifer L Miller
Mommy and baby
special time no others know
love watching you grow
—Abigail Gibson Mallon
Boobies full of milk
Always ready for baby
Just the right amount
—Abby Cravillion

Image: flickr CC myllissa
Dear nutritionist
I will not stop nursing her
My milk is still good.
—Abby Cravillion
Sweet milky kisses
After nursing from my breasts
Eyes so full of love.
—Abby Cravillion
My tiny princess
Feeds from my plentiful breasts
My heart melts like snow.
—Joanne Barton
”This boobie taste like…
Taste like cream. Taste like ice cream!
Love Mummy’s boobies.”
—Lindsey Jimsdóttir (This is almost exactly what my 20 month old said to me a few days ago.)
Baby is hungry.
It’s the middle of the night.
We’ll cuddle in bed.
—Bonnie Sussman Voegeli
Toddler has boo-boo.
Cuddle up and have some milk.
Boo-boo is all gone.
—Bonnie Sussman Voegeli
Great big babe at birth
Four and one half years he nursed
Worth every moment
—Brenda Beej Jackson
Little one hungry
Sees the giant ‘ta of milk
Om nom nom nom nom!
—Brenda Beej Jackson
Come close to my heart
Work day’s troubles melt
Finally just us
—Lindsey Wilson Seger
Working through the pain
So determined to succeed
Peace found at the breast
—Kerry Flynn
Nursed two years, now five
my girl asks, “Mom, are nursies
still helping me grow?”
—Kate Mellen
It was a rough start
but now, with two years achieved
ending will be tough.
—Jessica Tan
With sorrow I know
“this too shall pass” is even
more true than I thought.
—Jessica Tan
Watching my son grow
I gaze downward at my babe
Such an intense love
—Kristen Joy
My toddler loves nurse
Now that I’m pregnant again
It hurts like hell!
—Kristen Joy
Warning–gross. This one is not about breastfeeding, but I just wrote it last month and posted it as my FB status and it got a lot of reaction…
Washing diapers, I
Ponder the resiliency
of peas and of corn.
—Julie Nietling
Nestled at my breast
where love and milk flow freely
my babe grows content.
—Megan Vowell
Necessary to
the continuation of
life on this planet.
—Lisa Daniels
Breast feeding my first choice
nectar from heaven sweet pure
beauty growing strong
—Danielle Whidby
My babe in my arms
Today all you need is me
Tomorrow you’re grown
—Rebecca Belen Austin
Off to a good start
My baby is biting me
Uh-oh she’s tongue tied.
—Deborah Walker
Soothe a fractious child
with fresh milk made to order
snuggly bonding time.
—Hannah Rawlings-Smith
You breastfeed for love,
it’s not hard give it a try,
you won’t regret it!
—Danielle Bridges
Whole Food I make that,
my baby grows big and strong,
our bond forever.
—Danielle Bridges
Sweet child of my heart
Sustained on milky goodness
Growing every day
—Molly Atkins
My belly grew you
my breasts swelled with sweet white milk
we grew together 🙂
—Barbara Martinez
Nurturing, caring,
My sweet little angel babe
Snuggles in sweetly
—Sarah Swift Shabaan
Feeding my baby
I’m watching him grow each day
Breastmilk is awesome!
—Haley Wixson Jones
Sweet babe drinking up
custom nectar of life’s love
Our hearts connected.
—Angela Wilkins
Held close, soft, blissful,
I could well be all mothers
Since the first babe latched.
—Blooming Miracle Doula Services
I love breast feeding
I have become a nice milk
—Michelle Shores
My Dear Toddler Son,
Will you please wean already?
Mama is so done.
—Kim Johnson Chase
Hungry cry, fussy
Babe latches, nourishment flows

Image credit: flickr cc Christine Rogers
And with it, much more.
—Melissa Anderson
Milky smile, wide eyes
No words capture this moment.
Hearts never forget.
—Melissa Anderson
Her eyes lock with mine
starfish hand lies on my breast
love is milk is love.
—Kirstin Hendrickson
Mouth pull tugs heartstrings
In this moment the world stops
Sweet weight warms my soul
—Samantha Norman
When out around town
my baby girl is hungry
lift up my shirt. done.
—Katrina Russo Burks
I nourish her now
she feels the love in my touch
gift forever ♥
—Melissa Pate
All my children sucked;
six kids, 20 years, I would
have nursed a hundred!
—Marga Anto-Raudsepp
Sleepytime nursies,
You have a boobie pillow,
Lucky baby, dreams.
—Jennifer Pogue
Night time as you sleep
eyes closed around chubby cheeks
mummy milk inside.
—Becca Falcon
Head raises and on,
As milky goodness flows in,
contented noises.
—Lizzie Plant
Fifteen weeks pregnant
can’t wait to nurse my baby
what a special gift.
—Joleen Burke
When the need is there
They ask me “Na-na, mama?”
We nurse together.
—Maureen Guegold Alley
This is a triple haiku I wrote in October 2010 about night time nursing:
his little fingers
pinch my stretch marks, belly skin
even in his sleep
he never slows down
as he swallows and swallows
and murmurs and sighs
even in his sleep
he needs me, needs to know that
i am always here
—Cara Laird
Nourishing comfort,
Journey of mother and child,
A duet of love.
—Tracey Moys
Facial innocence
bright eyes, sweet smile, tiny hands
love flows milky smooth.
—LadyVal Unique Nubianqueen
I love Mommy’s milk
breakfast,lunch,snack,and supper
warm,sweet, delicious.
—Anissa Alvarado
Birthed in water
Pearl breastfed peacefully
The thunder clapped
—Jenny Stevens
Laying down to rest
hand to hand locked in key
to start a new day
—Shanesha Tripp
My Little Logan
Mommys milk is best for you
So for you I spew.
—Sheryl Pavloff-Donner
My baby Brennan
I feed you from my body
Just the two of us ♥
—Erin Hale
You’ve cut your first tooth
my goal is at least one year
please stop biting me.
—Marina Mondragon
Mommy goes back to work
mommy forgot breast pad
oh my that’s too bad
milk leaks out like on a fork.
—Matshepo Seedat
I love mommy’s milk
The sweet nectar calls for me
Pop a boob out NOW!
—Wombmart (Charlotte Placenta Encapsulation)
Mummys milk is nice,
it’s yummy and warm,
and full of goodness.
—Channon Gallichan
Moments after birth
you attach to my bosom
forever my love.
—Sheryl Bussiere Wiebe
Urgent cries jar me
Daddy stumbles to get you
Nursies bring us Peace
—Ashley Marie Byars
This is by my husband:
Great times with Daddy
’til sight of Mommy brings thirst
I’ve no more value.
—Ashley Marie Byars
Your sweet eyes and smile
embracing you in my arms
suckle at my breast.
—Shreen Beshures
When life is too much…
need to recharge and relax…
“now This you can do!”
—Amanda Rae Hartless
”Nana? Oooo… ha-ha.”
She takes out my nursing pad
Digging for treasure.
—Itzel Valle
No longer small boobs
But fantastic milk machines
Fueled by suck suck sucks.
—Jeanne Marie Clair Schwarz
Pumping sucks. Need more
Milk. If only Canada
Had less snow, more heat. 😉
—Melissa Anderson
Latching will happen
With time and concentration
I promise it will.
—Amanda Williams McClelland
Thriving, snug’ling, peace.
Miracle feeds miracle.
Growing together.
—Amy Skinner Cummings
My sweet little boy,
Looks up to me with tired eyes,
Smiles a milk drunk smile ♥
—Crystal Marie
I miss my angel’s smiles
As she suckled at my breast
with memories I’m blessed.
—Jacklyn Gorman
Eyes look up at me.
Satisfaction from my milk.
Best bond in the world.
—Meaghan White
Nursing my daughter
as tender eyes stare at me
does it matter that she’s four?
—Sheryl Bussiere Wiebe
In the midnight hour
In the dark I find my milk
Back to sleep we go.
—Anissa Alvarado
Mamma loves baby,
smiley precious baby boy,
baby loves boobies.
—Jenni-Emily Smith
Ear print on my arm,
a tattoo of our special bond,
fades but memory lasts.
—Victoria Lamonby
Oh It’s growth spurt time.
This little piggy does eat.
Oh every half hour….!
—Victoria Lamonby
Wet patches on clothes,
unattractive bras I wear.
But it’s all worth it.
—Victoria Lamonby
Now dear Kelly mom,
I can’t stop with the Haiku.
Damn you I need sleep.
—Victoria Lamonby