Please join me in congratulating Keith Hanssen on creating the winning design!
After reviewing all of your comments in the poll, and “test driving” the logos on web page samples, I selected Keith’s design. I like that it is a distinctive design, with bold strokes, and I’ve always loved wood-block style prints. Keith describes his design as a tree of knowledge, life, and love arising and growing from KellyMom.
Keith’s wife, Anna, is a long-time reader who told him about the contest and encouraged him to submit a design. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration, but he is not a professional graphic designer.
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I want to again thank everyone who submitted a design. There were so many wonderful designs that narrowing it down to 8 finalists was difficult, and then choosing a single design from those was a real challenge. I’m very proud of how many truly talented people contributed to the contest.
~ Kelly