Mother's Diet - Breastfeeding and Parenting Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:47:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mother's Diet - 32 32 Can a nursing mother eat this food? FAQs Tue, 02 Aug 2011 17:57:51 +0000 Is there a list of foods that I should avoid while breastfeeding?

There are NO foods that a mother should avoid simply because she is breastfeeding. It is generally recommended that you eat whatever you like, whenever you like, in the amounts that you like and continue to do this unless you notice an obvious reaction in your baby to a particular food. There is no such thing as a "LIST OF FOODS THAT BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS SHOULD NOT EAT" because most nursing moms can eat anything they want, and because the babies who are sensitive to certain foods are each unique - what bothers one may not bother another. If you have a family history of allergies and think your baby might be allergic, you might want to avoid certain foods, but again, this would be different for every child.

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Can I diet while breastfeeding? Tue, 02 Aug 2011 17:42:48 +0000 Six guidelines for safe dieting during lactation

Wait until your baby is two months old before dieting
It's best not to do anything consciously to lose weight until after the second month. This gives your body enough time to successfully establish a healthy milk supply that is less likely to be adversely affected if your caloric intake is restricted. Breastfeeding your baby, on average, burns 200-500 calories per day (above what you needed to maintain your pre-pregnancy weight) -- so keep in mind that even without a weight loss program you are burning extra calories.

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Do breastfeeding mothers need extra calories or fluids? Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:15:42 +0000 Do breastfeeding mothers need extra calories?

In general, you should simply listen to your body and eat to appetite - this is usually all you need to do to get the calories you need. When exclusively nursing a young baby, it is very common to feel hungry much of the time... listen to your body. Mothers of older babies may feel hungrier when baby temporarily increases his or her milk intake (for example, during a growth spurt)... again, listen to your body. Counting calories is rarely necessary unless you are having problems maintaining a healthy weight.

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Herbal weight loss products and breastfeeding Tue, 02 Aug 2011 17:50:44 +0000 Many herbal weight loss products contain some form of ephedra. It might be listed in the ingredients as Ma Huang, Ephedra sinica, Sida cordifolia, ephedra, ephedrine group alkaloids, ephedrine, etc. Some of the weight loss products that have contained ephedra include Metabolife, Herbalife, OmniTrim, Trim Easy, Diet Pep, MetaboSafe, geniCiL, AM-300, power drinks like Ultimate Orange, etc.

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How does a mother’s diet affect her milk? Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:11:42 +0000 The short answer to this question is NO – you do not need to maintain a perfect diet in order to provide quality milk for your baby. In fact, research tells us that the quality of a mother’s diet has little influence on her milk. Nature is very forgiving – mother’s milk is designed to provide for and protect baby even in times of hardship and famine. A poor diet is more likely to affect the mother than her breastfed baby.

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Low carb diets and breastfeeding Tue, 02 Aug 2011 17:46:18 +0000 High protein, low carbohydrate diets like the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet are very popular. These diets can be helpful for diabetics and people with gluten intolerance. In these diets, protein and high fat foods are not restricted; vegetables are limited. The main difference between Atkins and South Beach seems to be that the South Beach diet is less structured and emphasizes eating healthier, mostly unsaturated fats.

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Religious Fasting and Breastfeeding Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:18:26 +0000 Breastfeeding research tells us that short-term fasting (not eating) will not decrease milk supply, but that severe dehydration can decrease milk supply. Fasting does affect the biochemical/nutrient content of breastmilk to a certain extent.

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Vegetarian Diets and Breastfeeding Tue, 02 Aug 2011 17:38:23 +0000 A vegetarian or vegan mother does not need to take any special dietary precautions as long as she is maintaining a diet with adequate amounts of vitamin B12, calcium and zinc. This is something that mom needs to do for herself, even if she is not breastfeeding.

If you are avoiding meat but eating any other type of animal protein (eggs, milk, cheese or other dairy products, fish, poultry) you will normally get enough vitamin B12.

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