What About Dad? by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC
“For as long as there have been babies, there have been fathers. But no father in the history of the world ever nursed a baby. If fatherhood doesn’t mean feeding, what does it mean? Everything else!”
Daddies and Breastfeeding by Becky Flora, IBCLC
“Studies show that when a nursing mother has a ‘significant other’ who is educated about and supports her choice to breastfeed she is much more likely to be successful at it. For many mothers, this significant other is the baby’s father. What role can Daddy play?”
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Fathers Supporting Breastfeeding
A project targeted to African American fathers so that they may positively impact a mother’s decision to breastfeed. Several posters and brochures are available here.
Dad and the Breastfed Baby
Article by Denise Parker, IBCLC on how a new father can become a part of baby�s life.
Information and FAQs from the AskDrSears.com website.
The Breastfeeding Father
Article by Felicia Henry, on the benefits of breastfeeding for fathers and the importance of the father in the breastfeeding experience.
Stories of Fathering Infants
“Perhaps the most important thing a father can help his infant achieve is a sense of trust in the world. Fathers who care for their children in a responsive, consistent, and trustworthy way will help their precious infants to develop the sense that their needs will be met by loving individuals. This can be a foundation for healthy development throughout the child’s life.”
24 Hour Cribside Assistance for New Dads
“This is a guy’s site – developed by fathers for fathers. We’ve been in your shoes. We all remember what it was like to be a new dad – overwhelming, confusing, intimidating, tiring, but also amazing and just really cool. We want to help you get to the cool part by answering your basic questions about babies, new moms and new dads.”