One of the things new moms typically expect while expecting is expenses. Unfortunately, the miracle of bringing new life into this world creates new bills that parents never had to handle before. That’s why families often try to work out a budget in advance to be financially stable when baby finally arrives.
When it comes to creating a budget, one basic key to success is eliminating unnecessary costs. Mothers stick to what they will need, versus what they want. Oftentimes this can cause breast pumps, especially if purchased for cash, to fall by the wayside.
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For many families, breast pumps serve as uncharted, expensive territory. They are viewed as costly since the cheapest models are over $100 and different models can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.
This puts breast pumps off the ‘need’ list as that money could go towards necessary items like diapers or medical bills, even though breast pumps have proven health benefits for mom and baby, plus can even be 100% covered by insurance.
Breastfeeding Benefits
Breast milk is full of nutrition and protein to help your baby grow healthy and strong with a healthier immune system to reduce the risks of illnesses and infections. Breastfeeding also significantly lowers the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), diabetes, obesity and various types of cancer.
For Mom, breastfeeding, reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, reduces postpartum anxiety and depression, and also provides a major source of savings, because it provides free meals for baby.

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Breast pumps allow moms to still provide their milk to babies when they have trouble latching, or if they’re born prematurely. Breast pumps can help increase milk supply and manage engorgement. Most commonly, moms who plan to return to full- or part-time work and want to provide breast milk use a breast pump. Generally, when a mom is not with her baby during a normal feeding time, she should express breast milk. A breast pump is an incredible tool to facilitate breast milk expression quickly. Also, dads who want to help out with feedings can spend time bonding with baby while using expressed breast milk.
Breast Pumps Through Insurance
When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare was put into place in 2010, the incredibly valuable policy that insurance plans are required to cover breastfeeding support and supplies went into effect.
However, getting breast pumps through insurance didn’t fully solve the issue, because it was often a complicated process. Trying to figure out how to request a breast pump, which pump will be covered, who to contact, and making numerous phone calls to their insurance agency is a complex and stressful task for pregnant women to tackle.
Aeroflow Breastpumps For Free Breast Pumps Through Insurance
Aeroflow Breastpumps isn’t like other DME (Durable Medical Equipment) providers, and they don’t want to be. Their mission is to increase the instance of breastfeeding nationally by providing the best equipment and supplies for all moms, creating a community that provides support and education, and settling for nothing less than exceptional customer service.
The team of Breastpump Specialists has tirelessly worked to create an educational and supportive breast pumping community and will take the time to speak with each expectant mother to help them find the right breast pump to fit their individual needs and lifestyle for free.
All mothers have to do is fill out a simple form with their insurance information and the breastpump specialists handle the rest, including taking care of everything with their insurance provider. This way, mom can save time, money, and get back to preparing for their big day. Different breast pumps are available depending on mom’s insurance coverage and Aeroflow Breastpumps makes it easy to upgrade models and supplies.
While some insurance policies require that breast pumps must not be shipped out til 60 to 30 days before your due date. By using USPS ground Aeroflow Breastpumps can ensure that the supplies will arrive with more than enough time by the due date for mom to unbox everything and learn how it works. If they have any questions their Breastpump Specialist will be standing by to provide support.
Get your breast pump through insurance today.