Do I need a Pregnancy or Breastfeeding Deodorant?
Breastfeeding can be so intimate. Snuggled close, your baby’s head nestles right in there – in the crook of your arm where she inhales you with every single breath. Scent is a vital part of mama/baby bonding, so is your baby smelling you, or an artificial scent – one that may even contain hidden ingredients? Plus your skin soaks it all in: what a pregnant or breastfeeding woman puts on her body goes in her baby. And while many pregnant women wouldn’t dream of drinking alcohol, eating sushi, or even dying their hair, they may not give a second thought to their deodorant.
Apart from the usual deodorant suspects, propylene glycol, parabens and aluminum, the ingredient called fragrance still pops up in otherwise “natural” deodorants. “Fragrance” is an ingredient that can hide thousands of undisclosed chemicals – from parabens to phthalates to artificial preservatives. The components of fragrance do not have to be listed – what’s in there is none of your business. Some chemicals in fragrance have been found in umbilical cords and breast milk, some are linked to disruptions in hormonal growth.
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It’s true, our bodies have brilliant filters (cue the lymphatic system!), but why flood them with unknown numbers of unknown chemicals?
Certified organic products that contain organic essential oils smell good naturally, they do not contain fragrance. And that’s a good way to be sure: when you are looking at labels, check for organic certification. The term natural isn’t regulated, but organic is. For instance, Earth Mama’s organic products are either certified to the NOP or the NSF/ANSI 305 organic standards by Oregon Tilth.
Earth Mama deodorants are certified to the NSF/ANSI 305 organic standard and contain organic essential oils that smell good. Earth Mama deodorants don’t contain fragrance. What’s in fragrance? None of your business. There’s no way to know which chemicals are in there. It doesn’t matter if it’s artificial, natural, or fragrance oil, the “fragrance” part is the big question.
Earth Mama’s new deodorant is better deodorant. It’s gentle and organic, and formulated especially for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and sensitive skin. And it actually works. In four flavors: Calming Lavender, Bright Citrus, GingerAid, & Natural Non-Scents, with NO propylene glycol, artificial fragrance, parabens or aluminum. Dermatologist tested and clinically tested for irritation too.
Remember to love your lymph nodes and look for the F word when buying natural deodorant. Make it your business!
#NoFword #WhatGoesOnGoesIn #LoveYourLymphNodes
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