Tips for moms who work & pump is a wonderful source of information for pumping moms
Back-to-School Breastfeeding: Pumping in Your Classroom by Gretchen Sowers (
Traveling as a Pumping Mother by Nicole Goodman
Travelling with Breast Milk, from LLLI.
Milk expression tips & pump information @KellyMom
Exclusive pumping @KellyMom
Breastmilk Storage and Handling @KellyMom
Breastfeeding and the workplace
The Business Case for Breastfeeding is a comprehensive program designed to educate employers about the value of supporting breastfeeding employees in the workplace. The program highlights how such support contributes to the success of the entire business.
Supporting Nursing Moms at Work: Employer Solutions, from the Office on Women’s Health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), has information for both employers and mothers, focusing on cost-effective tips and solutions for supporting breastfeeding mothers in any industry setting.
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Breastfeeding Support Within the Workplace from the US Centers for Disease Control
Mother-Friendly Worksite Policy Initiative from the State of Texas
Breastfeeding Women and Work from the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)
Building Breastfeeding Friendly Communities from the Wisconsin Breastfeeding Coalition. Includes many resources for supporting breastfeeding in the workplace and in childcare centers.
Lactation support information from University of Michigan Work/Life Center. Includes information on how supervisors can support breastfeeding employees, a guide to setting up a lactation room, and a lactation icon, free of charge to any college or university, for use as a lactation area sign.
Workplace Breastfeeding Support from the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee
Checklist for Accomodations in the Workplace from the U.S. Breastfeeding Committee
MOMobile from the Maternity Care Coalition offers detailed information on working and breastfeeding for mothers and employers, including information on how to establish a breastfeeding-friendly workplace.