A little humor on starting solids
On Starting Solids by Eleanor Goulding Smith
Starting solids
Solid Foods and the Breastfed Baby
When should I start solids? LLL FAQ
Starting Solids: Waiting Is Worth It by Anne Smith, IBCLC
Starting solid foods by William Sears, MD
Starting Solid Foods by Jack Newman, MD
Solids? Wait a Bit by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC
WHO: Guiding principles for complementary feeding of the breastfed child, 2003
UNICEF: Improving Young Children’s Diets During the Complementary Feeding Period
Krebs NF. Dietary zinc and iron sources, physical growth and cognitive development of breastfed infants. J Nutr 2000 Feb;130(2S Suppl):358S-360S. (discusses meat as a first food)
Latham MC. Human nutrition in the developing world, (FAO Food and Nutrition Series No. 29). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997.
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Morgan J, Taylor A, Fewtrell M. Meat consumption is positively associated with psychomotor outcome in children up to 24 months of age. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2004 Nov;39(5):493-8.
What can I feed baby?
Made from mom’s milk
Breastmilk Butter: Just shake a container of expressed milk until you have butter.
Goat milk yogurt recipe, and another one – try substituting breastmilk
- If your yogurt comes out too runny, freeze it to make frozen yogurt.
Momsicles Breastmilk Popsicles – also great for teething babies!
Ice cream made in ziplocks or coffee cans (try it with breastmilk)
see also the “Other foods” section below – some of the baby food recipes use breastmilk
Not food, but interesting nonetheless…Mothers Milk Soap by by Casey Makela |
Other foods
Feeding at a glance: birth to 24 months by William Sears, MD
Breastfeeding and Other Foods by Jack Newman, MD
What to Feed the Baby when the Mother is Working Outside the Home by Jack Newman, MD
Making your own baby food by William Sears, MD
Wholesome Baby Foods from Scratch by Karna S. Peterson, RD, MPH (from The Vegetarian Resource Group)
Do something with the rice cereal you don’t use – make cookies!
Raising a vegetarian baby
Raising a Vegetarian Family, resources from the Vegetarian Resource Group
Feeding Vegan Kids by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.
Planning Well-Balanced Vegetarian Diets in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: The VegPlate Junior from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics