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The Mighty Toddler: The Essential Guide to the Toddler Years
by Robin Barker
M Evans & Co, New York
ISBN: 0871319861
comments by Donna Schakelaar
I was really disappointed by this as this book is written by one of Australia’s biggest selling infant and child health authors who normally has a lot of good things to say. Loads of experience and common sense in a lot of things thanks to many years as a child health nurse. HOWEVER…she does mention controlled crying as a valid option for sleep problems and somehow she has gotten the idea that it is okay to wean after 9 months which doesn’t follow the Australian guidelines at all. Australia follows WHO policy. She doesn’t say what she would feed the baby between 9-12 months. I know from reading her book on infant nutrition that she is very relaxed about many things [which can be good or bad depending on what you want to give your baby!].
A Paediatrician in Your Pocket:
An instruction manual for your New Baby 0-6 months
by Melvyn Polon
ABC Books, Sydney
comments by Donna Schakelaar
Advocates controlled crying for sleep problems.
Toddler Taming
by Christopher Green
Fawcett Books, New York
ISBN: 0449901556
comments by Donna Schakelaar
This chap firmly advocated controlled crying. What really annoyed me is that he used to advocate it for older toddlers ie over 18 months but then realised that it worked with 6 monthers. AAARRRGGGGHHHH! Talk about a world apart developmentally. And I still don’t like the idea at 18 months. He also highly discourages night nursing although he puts a tokenistic ‘if you really want to, its OK’ type line in after a couple of pages of why night nursing is so awful.
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