- “Dangle feeding”
- Breastfeeding / Nursing Aversion and Agitation (BAA)
- Breastfeeding after breast surgery
- Breastfeeding and breast abscess
- Breastfeeding and Maternal Diabetes
- Breastfeeding and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Breastfeeding Challenges in the Early Days (Resources)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in breastfeeding mothers
- Depression or other negative emotions upon milk let-down (D-MER)
- Engorgement
- Engorgement Help: Reverse Pressure Softening
- Extra (supernumerary or accessory) nipples or breast tissue
- FAQ: Does Breastfeeding Cause Postpartum Hair Loss?
- Handling criticism about breastfeeding
- Healing Tips for Nipple Cracks or Abrasions
- How do you treat a milk blister?
- I have thrush. Can I give baby my expressed milk?
- Lactation After the Loss of a Baby: Resources
- Lecithin treatment for recurrent plugged ducts
- Lopsided! What can I do?
- Nausea when breastfeeding
- Nipple blanching and vasospasm
- Plugged Ducts and Mastitis
- Q&A: Preventing Thrush
- Recurrent Mastitis or Plugged Ducts
- Sore nipples or breasts? Here’s help…
- Thrush Resources
- What does a breastfeeding mother look like?
- When Breastfeeding is Hard
- When will my milk come in?
- Why are my nipples sore after months of pain-free nursing?